1. Can I cancel my order after placing it?
Yes, you can cancel your order if it hasn’t been processed or shipped yet. Check your order status in your account’s “Orders” section.
2. How do I cancel my order?
Follow these steps:
- Log in to your account on the website.
- Navigate to My Account > Orders.
- Find the order you wish to cancel.
- If the order status is still “Pending” or “On hold,” you’ll see a Cancel button. Click it to cancel the order.
3. What happens after I cancel my order?
Once you cancel:
- The order will be marked as canceled in your account.
- If you paid for the order, the refund process will be initiated (depending on the store’s refund policy).
4. Why can’t I cancel my order?
You may not be able to cancel your order for the following reasons:
- The order has already been processed, shipped, or marked as “Completed.”
- The store has disabled the self-cancellation option for customers.
5. Will I get a refund if I cancel my order?
Refunds depend on the store’s refund policy:
- If you cancel before the order is processed, a full refund is typically issued.
- Refund timelines vary based on the payment method (e.g., credit card refunds might take 5–7 business days).
6. Can I cancel part of my order?
Gearmag doesn’t support partial cancellations directly from the customer interface. You’ll need to contact the store for assistance.
7. What if I want to cancel an order after it has been shipped?
If the order has already been shipped, you’ll need to initiate a return instead of a cancellation. Check the store’s return policy for details.
8. Who should I contact for help canceling my order?
If you can’t cancel your order or have questions, reach out to customer support through:
- The website’s contact form.
- The store’s provided email or phone number.